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Death – what is it, one last time?

Is it a forced divorce of familial and familiar neural marriage, earlier wedded at the altar of mutual human recognition, and occasionally consummated through mirror-activity? Is it a forced remembrance of tomorrow’s Absence? A forced re-education of memory? Death: I wonder; is it a forced divorce from the familial and familiar?

Death – what is it again?

Is it a retreat from a conscious coherence into an unconscious incoherence? If so, will death, even as the finest ash, not slip into the quantum world of wave-particle duality? And if so, what is death but a continuous existence? Death: I wonder if it is a wave-particle thing

Death – what is it?

Is it a song sang as a quivering question to summon answers from scared spirits? Listen carefully: feel the frightened instruments; taste the tremble of the drums on dazed eardrums; hear the slingshots of sounds hurled towards the gods… Death: I wonder if it is a question sang to the gods


Of mute drums and snarling sheep Of thunder in tummies and cowing ears Of coiled thoughts and happy fists Of tumbling eagles and sleepless tunes And above all, thoughts of homeless thoughts! The seeming homelessness of my thoughts: They make me wonder


How it is that, in the quantum tango we call life, Mercy can tackle and mock Cruelty’s efforts to entangle, breaking its icy, clawing hands on the rocky shores of love?! And yet, in this random universe, seen from whichever angle, violence is the parent, and life and love its scattered offspring. The quantum entanglement […]