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Do not be Crowned in Terror

My Daughter…

Do not wipe the lonely tear

as it rushes down your face in fear


Let it yield to gravity’s pull

I know it does not make you look cool!


My Agemates…

Ask me why my daughter’s cry makes me cry

Ask me why my tear-glands are running dry


I see with my ears what my eyes cannot hear!

I see the sound of hooting owls everywhere!


My Daughter…

Fear not what you see and hear

Pity those who now see and fear


Oh, how they dared command the stars

and now wish this virus could vanish like SARS


My Daughter…

We need to imagine beyond the mind

and stop seeing this virus as one of a kind


This is chance and circumstance battling free will

Understand this: inner and outer worlds amaze but kill


My Friends…

The promise of networked prosperity is an illusion

of promised madness wrapped in a gift of delusion


There are a trillion reasons why your ‘tomorrow’

may not arrive, or, arrive bearing gifts of sorrow.


So, My Daughter!

Do not wipe away your tired tears

You owe no one their cares or prayers


Life is a tango of incoherence and coherence

Its fuel? Inner resilience and perseverance

©Kap 6/2020

Picture of Kap Kirwok

Kap Kirwok

Kap Kirwok (Kap) creatively combines his duties as a writer and strategist to contemplate the mysteries of the human experience. He writes not to sell but to tell tales to himself.