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Creepy creeping creeper

First, it was his sight Not so much the failing light Just a weakening of the eyelid One morning he was unable to blink fast He begged his eyes not to spoil his breakfast The last time he drank was the night before last So now, why are his eyelids suddenly lazy? And, why was […]

A True Friend Is…

A neuron, an encounter, a recognition then an animation and, perchance, a dance   – before a mirror – to music unseen and unheard except by the heart

Ceaseless change

The reality of daily existence is one of ceaseless change – though we get lulled by the ceaselessness into assuming a false constancy.


After the political trumpquake, the tremors will continue to be felt for some time. But there is nothing abnormal about this.

Trump as oxygen

Those who see doom and gloom in Trump’s election as the 45th President of the US don’t understand how complex systems (such as human beings) operate. Trump is as necessary to societal evolution as oxygen is to our daily existence

Disciplining consciousness

Writing fiction: It is the art of disciplining consciousness within the theatre of the mind. Coherence, coherence, where art thou?

Imprisoning words

Writing is the process of imprisoning words on a relatively stable medium – like a book or eBook – and forcing them to speak to us.

Writing as its own reward

A writer must “know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance” – Bradbury. Writing is its own reward.