Sounds of Silence
‘Darling, I am sorry I did not come home last night.’ Thus spoke Quilt, adding softly: it is not what you think. Silence looked back – blank – no hint of a coming fight. An eternity, then a sigh: what dish and drink tonight? Quilt is Mr. Confused; he expected a sword not a […]
Strange Dinners
I eat strange dinners – if I can call them that. One moment it is chapati – dry and hard, with boiled egg, mango and avocado, and, with a sneaky sense of bravado, wash all down with tickled red wine Another moment, when I decide to dine, it is carrot, banana and hesitant yogurt downed […]
She spoke of pangs of pain – for her baby
“I was assailed by pangs of sweet pain in my loins Sharp spasms that mock all my yearnings and toils God! How I needed to bear a child of my own! A child to drink with my heart before my days are gone A baby, oh, a sweet, helpless baby to break my dam A […]
How did Kenya get into this political mess?

To understand how we got here, and where this might be headed, it is useful to start with a tree; a Chankiri Tree, to be specific. What is a Chankiri tree, you ask. Well, Chankiri was a Tree in Cambodia against which children were smashed by the Khmer Rouge during Pol Pot’s rule. It was […]
Have you wondered why …
…when you close your eyes and leap up to grab a sweet wish and have it smother you in a dreamy blanket of heavenly kiss, it always dissolves and drifts away on wings of wry, sly smiles? …when joy is jovial and jolly in screaming intensity, and righteous reason reclines in blissful serenity, life […]
Bee Cee
She was resilient in a restless way She run away from madness and filth to blissful down bottom – a house by the bay but kept returning to the madness and ‘kith’ It is clear that was her true North, though faraway The smile on her face suggested she missed Canberra A brief, far-away […]
Jacob and Rachel
My wife of 17 years left me today. Yes, she left me. Today. Before sunrise. Woke up and saw a note …by my bedside. It said: “I have finally decided to leave you for good forever Good luck. Rachel.” No reason given. No statement or restatement of a grievance. Nothing. Didn’t say why. But I […]
Our Heart’s Calling

Our heart’s calling is to be loyal to its destiny; to bear the burden of memory bravely to journey through pains wisely to leap over austere heartscapes safely to answer ache’s summons unquestioningly. Also… to summon the eyes to listen to earth’s silent song to dance to inner vibrations from the soul’s gong […]
When I die…

Bury my body in earth’s embrace Bury me not on my back but facedown, locked in a timeless hug with my hands stretched out so I can embrace the earth and have a fertile feel of the tremble and the miles as the earth spins away eternity’s days I forbid you to sing songs […]
Now I Know Where I Am Going

I will ride on the tongue of the sun’s ray; streak through the interlude of silences, bounce off sleepy swaying, swinging leaves and come to taste the Grevillea’s sweet armpit where I will tickle the sleep out of the young day. I will meet – at the door of my ears – the multitude of […]