Invalid Null Void

Having stilled his consciousness and narrowed it to a pin of liberated energy – the tremble of history barely seen in his unblinking stare – he then pinned the fierce glares and let fly triplet rap tones in defiant burst of flares: Failed. Neglected. Refused.|Not. Validly. Elected.|Invalid. Null. Void| Silence. Then the Hyenas, their […]
Arusha and Ngorongoro

Ngorongoro They come here to see lions I come to see my cousins The (once) proud Maasai Nation, Wiry and rugged and free Happily herding their cattle and sheep in the Ngorongoro plain The iconic red shuka tossed across the shoulder A rungu and in one hand and a spear in the other
The Book Café with Khainga O’Okwemba

The Book Café with Khainga O’Okwemba a Literature Program on KBC English Service dated on June 17 2017, interview with writer and columist Kap Kirwok
An answer to an intriguing qn…
In Trump, we may finally have an answer to an intriguing question: How far can you stretch an elastic thread called “rational delusion” before it snaps?
Trumpism is a necessary tonic in service of human resilience!
Why Trump-ism is a necessary tonic

After the political trumpquake last November and its attendant tremors, I have been dithering on the subject of Donal J. Trump: Given the oceans of ink already poured in an attempt to divine this self-absorbed gift to the psychology of NPD – narcissistic personality disorder – should I, or should I not write about this […]
Brain is wired to be lazy
To business analysts: The human brain is wired to be lazy (to conserve energy). Likes heuristics/shortcuts. Yet reality is not always simple
The Human Brain
The Human Brain: Is it the creator or receiver of consciousness? Or, is it both? If receiver, where is free will? If creator, where is God?
Life’s a paradox: reproduction is superior to production; recurrence is better than occurrence; imperfect mother of perfect; and failure father of success
UK out of the EU: Earthquake? Perhaps. But no surprise. The path of history is unpredictably; its triggers not obvious, e.g. the Arab Spring. Lesson: Anything is possible. Anything.