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Mirror: The greatest metaphor of all time? The foundation and agent of collective learning? If so, what is the next evolutionary stage?


Managed consciousness: it’s the only game in town (read universe), or is it?

The Tripartite Free Trade Area: The End of Babel?

The Tripartite Free Trade Area The End of Babel

In the context of regional and global trade, the story of the Tower of Babel makes an interesting parallel to Africa’s trade narrative in the present time. According to the account in the Book of Genesis, the people of a unified city decided to make a name for themselves and build a tower into heaven. […]

The Meaning of Success

Success for me is three things in one: 1. The capacity to pass on your consciousness; 2. The capacity to help others pass on their consciousness; 3. Gaining deeper insight into personal consciousness & universal mystery of existence. Success is all three things together. Anything less is not success.

Is the Garissa-type Massacre the New Normal?

Is the Garissa type Massacre the New Normal

First the bad news: The Garissa-type massacre will not be the last; and it is possible for matters to get worse. I will come to the reasons in a moment. Since the Garissa Massacre, several commentators and TV pundits have struggled to explain how a well-educated young Muslim, Mohammed Abdirahim Abdullahi, could mastermind such a […]

Uhuru’s corruption fight – March/April 2015

On corruption, President Uhuru has finally (?) cracked the whip(?). If we doubt, it is because there have been many false promises. Is this a PR exercise? Is this a serious move that is badly executed? Let us give him the benefit of doubt. Perhaps this can generate a positive momentum of its own. But […]

Reflection on the mind

A mind, like a dog, can sometimes chase its own tail; but unlike the dog, it can make great progress by this recursive action. Kap Kirwok

Violence is useful – or is it?

Violence is useful – or is it

Put a man in a steel cage, douse him with petrol, strike a match…and film him burning alive. Or, drive a sharp thumbscrew through a woman’s body to force her to confess, then tie her to a stake, cover with firewood and set the combustible heap alight. The first happened in the 21st Century in […]

Human-on-Human Cruelty

Despite material progress across centuries, notably in the realm of science and technology, there is one constant in human relations: human-on-human violence. Which raises the question: does violence have an evolutionary value? Is there a persistent evolutionary gene?

Our Obsession with Niccolo

Our Obsession with Niccolo

Seldom has a single book influenced so many, for so long – and often with so disastrous consequences – as The Prince. Written 500 years ago by Niccolo di Bernardo Machiavelli, it is taken by many as the definitive guide to power politics; a book whose prescriptions are taken by many political scientists as having […]