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A mess at the ICC

It is a fine mess at the ICC as Uhuru’s case is set to either collapse or be postponed. But not all is lost; legal technicalities aside, the symbolism of a serving Head of State appearing before the ICC represents some measure of justice for the victims. The ICC was always going to be an […]

Is solidity an illusion?

If it is true that we are but fleeting thoughts and sensations, does not that mean physical solidity is but an illusion?

Sad and absurd

The juxtaposition is odd but not surprising: a wasteful Government scours every nook and cranny for cash while legislators scheme for more perks.Sigh.


It is true: life is lived forward and only understood backwards


Consider eternity: Why should it be desirable? Endings have their attraction too…except endings mark the the beginning something. On an don to eternity!


It is true: “Life must be lived forwards, though it can only be understood backwards” S Kierkegaard

Eddy Kenzo

Eddy Kenzo, kweli Sitya Loss ni boss. What a great happy beat! One in a while, a great musical beat arises from Africa. Sitya Loss is such.

Chance and Circumstance

It is amazing how much contingent forces – the idea of chance and circumstance – shape the contours of human ‘civilization’.

Chemoge Secondary School

26th July 2014 is significant because on this day, I achieved one of my dreams: to make a lasting contribution to society. H.E. the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya formally opened a modern school library for Chemoge Sec Sch whose construction I funded with the help of friends.