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Conferences: Why do we have so many talkshops? Talk, talk, and talk again – for talk’s sake. It is a sick joke.


Forget Mpeketoni & similar symptoms.Tremble at the politically correct criminals that are increasingly capturing state power & machinery. Is Kenya headed the Mexico way or the Colombia way? Different names same destination!

Uncertainty – revisited

Irag today is an abject lesson in the folly of prediction. I say again, as before: anything & everything is possible. Here too! Therefore brace yourself.

Tempting Fate

We (human beings, especially the politicians among us) seem hard-wired to tempt fate. You see, we are happy to test the limits of tolerance – and yet no one has studied the elasticity of tolerance. The breaking point could come sooner than we expect.


On the current state of the nation: disequilibrium is good – up to a point – because within it is contained the seeds of greater equilibrium. But what is not ordained is this: greater disorder does nit guarantee greater order!

distance to doom

Among humans, it is amazing how short the distance is from civility to incivility; and from sanity to madness. Very quickly, discussions degenerate into quarrels and name-calling.

Memories – what use…?

Tacked somewhere within the soft folds of my brain are sweet memories – of yesterday. But what is the use of memory hoarded? If it cannot be shared with friends and loved ones, of what use are memories?


Wole Soyinka – truly the king of expansive metaphors and verbal inventiveness: the learner of English as a second language who taught the native speaker of English his own language.


The paradox of life – as boom and burst – is not a paradox at all: think of it as spiral loop that obeys both exponential laws and gravity! That is what comes to mind reading Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century

Book Launch at a Book Harvest

Book Launch at a Book Harvest by Jason Kap Kirwok 1

Book Launch at a Book Harvest My novella, The Heart is a Reluctant Nomad, will be launched on 22 April 2014 at Alliance Francaise at a Book Harvest event aimed at supporting the newly built Chemoge Secondary School library. Date: 22, April 2014 Venue: Alliance Française – Nairobi Time: 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Master of Ceremonies: […]