If it is true that unknown unknowns exceed the known and the known unknowns, does this not mean anything is possible? Anything, however it may seem unlikely, could happen.
Certainty and Doubt

Doubt and uncertainty The twin burden of humanity Today, tomorrow and eternity A dance of finity and infinity You are concrete enough,are you not? Yes, but only just – until you rot! Whether it is flesh or thought We know and yet we know not
A break from my column in the Star
My readers: I am taking a break from my column in the Star Newspaper until June 2014 or thereabouts – God willing. I will however write an occassional article whenever I cannot resist the itch! Till, then, bye for now.
A column every two weeks
Starting this Saturday (2nd November 2013), my column in the Star Newspaper will appear every other Saturday. I have found that writing a weekly column when you have a fulltime job, and also when trying to write a book is very tough. So, thanks to my editor at the Star, Wycliffe Muga, I can now […]
KTN Morning Express Book Review

KTN Morning Express Book Review: “I Blame the Sky” Bonney Tunya: Welcome back to the KTN Morning Express book review segment. Today, we have the pleasure of reviewing a remarkable children’s book, which has already garnered prestigious awards. Joining us is the author himself, Jason Kap Kirwok, who is here to share insights into his […]
A modest proposal

On Sunday October 22, 2017, as I drove back to Nairobi from Mt Elgon, I had had plenty of time to reflect on our current political situation. How do we get out of this situation, safely? Here is a modest (if naïve) proposal. Assumption: Both Uhuru and Raila care about how they wish to be […]
The ICC Judges made a sensible climb-down; they could do more!

The lesson has yet to be learned – which is a pity. And it is this: ‘Lady Justice’ is not completely blind. She peeps though the blindfold whenever circumstances dictate. The same goes for the way she balances the scales and wields the sword. It has always been this way; it will always be this […]
A break from my column
I have taken a break from my weekly column in the Star Newspaper to revise a manuscripty for a new book. I will resume on Saturday 26 October 2013. Winning the first prize for the Jomo Kenyatta Prize for Literature – English Children’s Category on Sept 28 2013 – was a huge boost to my […]
To my fans: It was pleasant surprise for my little book I BLAME THE SKY to be judged as the winner of the Jomo Kenyatta Prize for Literature – said to be the premier Kenyan literary prize. The award ceremony took place on th enight of the 28th Spetember 2013 at the Hitel Intercontinental – Nairobi. The […]
The Angels of Westgate

As the news of the fallen in the Westgate massacre filtered in, I got more and more agitated. I nearly busted a vein when I learnt that a close friend had lost her only son. He died with his fiancée. They were planning a wedding. Heart-wrenching. Painful beyond comprehension. Many people senselessly killed. Kofi Awanoor […]