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We exist because we didn’t.

We blink Into existence And unblink Out of existence We did not exist – for an eternity Then we exist– briefly We shall not exist – for an eternity Yes, after we cease to exist We may exist exactly as we are So says infinite probability Then we may cease to exist again This – […]

A better Kenya … Is possible

A better Kenya ... Is possible

A BETTER KENYA FOR ALL IS POSSIBLE * A thought-starter by Kap Kirwok (presented for discussion by the Technical Advisory Committee of the William Samoei Ruto Presidential Campaign in June 21, 2020) _________________________________________________________________ A Time to Summon Courage and Strength  Once again, we the people of Kenya find ourselves at a critical juncture in our quest […]

It is the day before…the Supreme Court Ruling

On the night before there was a ringing in the ears What is it? Oh, I know It is air inhaled deeply and held for an ‘eternity’ When we finally exhale Is it to savour the calming aftermath? Or is it to stare in wondrous horror at the work of our hands?

Interview Series by ProPertArt Trust

Repose A Series by ProPertArt Trust by Jason Kap Kirwok

Repose A Series by ProPertArt Trust August 11, 2021 Kap Kirwok addresses the historical fragmentation of the African continent, a consequence of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885. This partitioning led to the creation of numerous small, often landlocked states, which struggle to integrate into global production systems, value chains, and logistics networks. As a result, […]

Life: What is it for?

Life. Human Life With its attendant consciousness: What’s is its purpose? Coherence and Memory. That is it!

Lame Loyalty

What happens when the heart’s glue is stronger than your minds truth? What happens when the heart refuses to detach even as the mind agrees to depart? And, what then happens when, finally forced to give way to grief,    the heart’s glue seeks refuge in memory’s armpit?  


Have you ever wielded rhythm as a weapon …to whip rioting inner spirits? How about melody as a mallet … to mold your pain into shape? Have you held harmony as a hammer …to nail hubris on a cross? How about timbre as a tool …to tame your temper? Pity you! Try it sometime


There is a time when time inhales deeply to take in a breadth of secrets Then after a pause, it exhales butterflies – tiny bits of existence scheming the surface of freshly mowed grass. And bees – brave beings flaunting their buzz    with vigilant eyes not fooled by false flowers There is a time […]

Anatomy of Political Madness  

Behold, the galloping madness! Haunted by the terrifying sound of the owl, and the image in the mirror – a hyena in full drool -, the King charges forth, unaware of the point of no return on a perilous path.   Meanwhile, probity lies prostrate, defeated; Ignorance rests its leg on it in smug triumph. […]

This Travelers Palm

After years of nursed anticipation years of endured indifference years of standstill stares years of suspended joy   Now this year the year of descended pain you have ascended the sky