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Mar-i-Age Revisited

Have you ever attempted to snatch a raw instinct from your breast and, ignoring its loud and distinct protests, sprinted it into your mind and slammed the skull shut?   How about the sparring of inner spirits; the fire of desire; and the marauding magic of jaundiced jealousy as amplifier: have their cold winds not […]

Mar-i-Age The pain fool truth

…Is to know your limitation: To strive, stretch and struggle and still fail to move the needle; To know the train stops at this station.   …Is when Mr Hope and Ms Dream look into each other’s eyes and, with sad whispers, say ‘bye bye sweet dream; please don’t scream’.   …Is when your plot […]

The heart sings… for Rosa

Hummmh, Ooooomh To tell time to tame the untameable… To couch clouds to dream the undreamable … To rally the rain to reach the unreachable … To shove the spear to shake the unshakeable … To dare the docile to defy the undefiable … Hummmh, Ooooomh   Hummmh, Ooooomh To wake the wind to sing […]


Young Lion: when will this Sun uncoil your Spring?   Slow Stream: when will this Slope hurry your Step?   Stubborn Dream: when will this Flight unfurl your Wings?

Different Types of Forever

There are two types of forever: One coils itself in tighter and tighter cycles and rolls and rolls, on and on around in broader and broader spirals until, neither gaining or losing ground, turns into an endless ringing in the brain   Another is a reluctant arrow, radiating truth in broken pulses across spaces wide […]

Beauty – What is it?

Is it mathematics? …a consistency in simplicity? …a logic lodged in geometricity?   Is it biology? …a mirror neuron that nods when ancient truths make sense? …a collective of senses suddenly awake on recognising salience?   Is it spiritual? …a feeling of immense awe that connects, momentarily, heaven and earth? …a moment of raw, rude […]

The African Hut

An embrace… a cuddle… by the winds of creation of tugul   A defiance… a taming… by time of nature… of the elements ——— Kap©2017

Robert Mugabe

The Zimbabwe ‘thing’ about R Mugabe confirms once again a truism about the perception & reality of power & powerlessness: the tenuous glue holding both is DELUSION and ILLUSION aided by the tendency of humans to be IRRATIONAL. In short, leaders are often DELUDED while the masses are victims of ILLUSION and IRRATIONALITY. Occasionally, the […]

Love & such…

But if love and forgiveness is a product of wisdom and grace, where does Charles Dawin figure in this?

The Human Heart

The greatest & most difficult duty of the human HEART is learning to love & to forgive. Nothing, NOTHING, heals & nourishes like these two.