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Fragments, United (2)

1. It is the day after…the Supreme Court Ruling

It’s the day after

Exhaled terrors compete

with butterflies escaping from chrysalis ruins

The weight of Heartbreak today

appears mismatched with Disappointment tomorrow

Yet, measure for measure, there’s no difference!


2. The Glazed, Dazed Gaze

The glazed, dazed gaze:

lip-curled and glee-burdened,

What is it? Can you guess?

No, your senses are deadened!


Animated by momentary agency

Emersed in multivalences, we easily forget

We assume the power to bask in potency

Has neither limit nor an expiry date


Oh, to claim superior intelligence

To strut about like an overfed antelope

And yet fail to grasp a simple essence:

The lone acacia in the savannah makes a jungle


3. Shakespeare said it best in Measure for Measure

“But man, proud man,
Dressed in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he’s most assured;
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven,
As make the angels weep.” Shakespeare


4. The Space between Pain and Gain: The Struggles of a Government

Between the pain of reform and the resultant gain,

There is a contested space,

a place of pounding impatience

a place of irredeemable ignorance

a place of angst, fear and incense

a place of hatreds that defy sense


a place where a vision stands trembling in the rain

a place where the drums of dreams begin to fade

a place of tired ears, new tears and rising outrage

a place of toad-size egos demanding constant massage


a place of intermittent communication splutter

a place where senseless sounds bounce off walls

a place of interests where the personal always wins

a place where confusion and heartbreak resist the gutter


This contested space between pain and gain needs to be …

a place where minds rule over hearts

a place where errant egos are forced to flee

a place of disciplined thought, action and results

a place where humility and patience stand bravely


5. The days of RAGE are here!

The heart has won the battle, easily

The lungs have given voice to this triumph

A narcotic called adrenaline flows freely

Behold the passion and the energy of youth!


Reason rests dejected at the corner,

It is how it is – joys conjoined with pains

Joy and pain play ping pong with honour

Today laughter rings; tomorrow sorrow reins


6. It simply IS – again

Chaos – shapeless, irregular, random

Behold: it struts and prances

It grabs pain and together

they twirl and whirl and dance

into savage storms


Oh, my teardrop, what became of you?

You were once a happy, escaped orphan

Now you’re an army, surging to burst

the banks of my lacrimal lake

What became of my levees?


Oh, well, this too is something

And, yes, this, too, is nothing

Neither bad nor good; It simply IS

Fleeting. Forming. Unforming. Formless. Endless

Therefore. Reach out. Grab. Chaos. Dance


7. We exist because we didn’t and won’t – maybe

We blink

into existence

And un-blink

out of existence

We did not exist – for an eternity

Then we exist – briefly

We shall not exist – for an eternity

Yes, after we cease to exist

We may exist exactly as we are

So says infinite probability –

Or we may cease to exist in infinity

This – the marriage of thing and nothing,

blink and un-blink – is the real heaven


8. What if…

What if, being quantum beings, we are married to randomness?

What if our knowledge and skills cannot outrun the monsters we create?

What if the monsters hidden in chance events outrun our knowledge and skills?

What if, in our stupidity and cupidity, we believe in our own invincibility?

What if the known and unknown universe is indifferent to our conscious conceit?

What if, in our arrogance and carelessness, we trigger our own extinction?

What if this Corona portents many such, but hotter than the Sun’s Corona?


9. It is true …but what if?

Formed from the clash of stars …

Born in a furnace hotter than the hottest…

Forged in and out of a crucible of intense violence …

Human-to-human violence seems disproportionate to love


But …

What if we grab this impulse to violence

at its stem and, using STEM, breach its inner defenses…

What if we tease out the disparate strands of this violence…

What if we then tame it from its source, and render it less senseless



What then if this internal command to violence…

This urge, to dominate, to destroy, to crush…

What if it is an essential survival imperative …

Will the killing of violence lead to the death of life?


10. 2023: New Hopes, New Fears

A fiery ball of burning helium and hydrogen

has been burning continuously for 4.5 billion years

and will continue to burn for another 4.5 billion years,

so says our brain-mind quantum dance.

Our little ball – the Earth – 109 times smaller than the bigger ball (Sun),

has been rotating on its axis as it revolves around for the last 4.5 billion years

Within our ‘neighbourhood’ (galaxy), 200 billion stars burn

In distant, seemingly infinite space, 200 billion galaxies,

each with billions of burning stars, the human mind-brain quantum dance slows;

Slows down and pauses long enough to consider its own worries and hopes

Worries about mortality here, and hopes of immortality thereafter

Worries about heartbreaks and hopes of heart rapture

Worries about the blessings of the digital revolution.


11. Prediction

Listening to Nouriel Roubini (“Dr Doom”)

He is talking about his book Mega Threats…

It is sobering; much food for thought

Massive calamities that threaten our survival; they have happened before.

But humans will survive – even as small, isolated populations

This will largely be the result of human resilience,

enabled partly by technology, and luck.


12. Conversation with an 82-year-old German-Kenyan scientist: A recollection

We are too young – as a human species

We are the surprised face

of the morning dew on a green leaf

Not sure if the sunrise ray is friend or foe

So we drink, dance, dazzle and celebrate heat


We are too young and innocent

We are hunger in a child’s mouth

crying for food but not knowing why

Not aware of the instinct to survive

So we fight, compete, and violate at will

Picture of Kap Kirwok

Kap Kirwok

Kap Kirwok (Kap) creatively combines his duties as a writer and strategist to contemplate the mysteries of the human experience. He writes not to sell but to tell tales to himself.