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Fragments, United (3)

1. 2020:

Across the hollow chasm of ignorance

Perched tentatively on the cliff of laughter

We gnash our teeth and try to remember innocence

We remember how we were butterflies – our loads lighter

How we darted randomly without a care or pretense

How we danced on the wings of wind unaware of its hidden fire


2. What if…

What if, being quantum beings, we are married to randomness?

What if our knowledge and skills cannot outrun the monsters we create?

What if the monsters hidden in chance events outrun our knowledge and skills?

What if, in our stupidity and cupidity, we believe in our own invincibility?

What if the known and unknown universe is indifferent to our conscious conceit?

What if, in our arrogance and carelessness, we trigger our own extinction?

What if this Corona portents many such, but hotter than the Sun’s Corona?


3. The Corona Chronicles

A walk,

a Judo roll,

a ‘cushion fall’,

a stretch,

a shower,

a bowl of fruit

to allow thoughts to dart

and roam while tethered

on a rock of (un)certainty:

we are a rare flare of light

from the clash of distant gods

– fragments, united by chance and circumstance


3. This Travelers Palm

After years of nursed anticipation

years of endured indifference

years of standstill stares

years of suspended joy



this year

the year of descended pain

you have ascended the sky.



4. The Galloping Madness

Behold, the galloping madness!

Haunted by the terrifying sound of the owl,

and the image in the mirror – a hyena in full drool -,

the King charges forth, unaware of the point of no return.


Meanwhile, probity lies prostrate, defeated;

Ignorance rests its leg on it in smug triumph.

The cheer-squad, gripped by hysterical glee, jump

up and down as they attempt to out-laugh the limping hyena.


But, God, why this gift of trance?

Why is hope pulled apart, split, and trapped in ignorance?


5. The Dream

She detained a heartbeat in her hidden gaze

The earth, in a daze, stopped spinning for a brave second

Then the heart stretched and escaped his chest

and raced madly to the bosom of joy, happy to abscond

In repose, it hugged curved hills in a million dreamscapes



6. Fragments, United

We are fragments and

splinters from chips of flint

A kindling snuffed and refired repeatedly.

We are fragments haunted

as much by lessness as by moreness


We are daydreamers, dreaming dreams

in bright colours in a dark bright night

A darkness pregnant with the tranquil violence of light

A light that presents death and birth in equal screams.


My Son…

My sons…

Who is my son?

Who are my sons?

My son. Sons.

A Well.

A welling and swelling of river’s tears

A welling of rivers flowing OVER broken bridges

A trembling of truth on a broken but unyielding bridge

My son is a bridge over an eternal river: flowing, falling, flying

My sons are the troubled eddies looping back as they go forward


7. Standstill…

There is a moment when time inhales

deeply to take in a breadth of secrets

Then after a pause, exhales butterflies –

tiny bits of existence scheming the surface

of freshly mowed grass.


A moment in time when

having drunk and eaten too much hope

We expel out bees – brave buzzing beings

that skim the surface of multiple scents,

their vigilant eyes not fooled by false flowers.


8. We exist because we didn’t and won’t – maybe

We blink

into existence

And un-blink

out of existence

We did not exist – for an eternity

Then we exist – briefly

We shall not exist – for an eternity

Yes, after we cease to exist

We may exist exactly as we are

So says infinite probability –

Or we may cease to exist in infinity

This – the marriage of thing and nothing,

blink and un-blink – is the real heaven


9. It simply IS – again

Chaos – shapeless, irregular, random

Behold: it struts and prances

It grabs pain and together

they twirl and whirl and dance

into savage storms


Oh, my teardrop, what became of you?

You were once a happy, escaped orphan

Now you’re an army, surging to burst

the banks of my lacrimal lake

What became of my levees?


Oh, well, this too is something

And, yes, this, too, is nothing

Neither bad nor good; It simply IS

Fleeting. Forming. Unforming. Formless. Endless

Therefore. Reach out. Grab. Chaos. Dance.

Picture of Kap Kirwok

Kap Kirwok

Kap Kirwok (Kap) creatively combines his duties as a writer and strategist to contemplate the mysteries of the human experience. He writes not to sell but to tell tales to himself.