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Fragments, United (4)

1. What if…

What if, being quantum beings, we are married to randomness?

What if our knowledge and skills cannot outrun the monsters we create?

What if the monsters hidden in chance events outrun our knowledge and skills?

What if, in our stupidity and cupidity, we believe in our own invincibility?

What if the known and unknown universe is indifferent to our conscious conceit?

What if, in our arrogance and carelessness, we trigger our own extinction?

What if this Corona portents many such, but hotter than the Sun’s Corona?


2. It is true …but what if?

Formed from the clash of stars …

Born in a furnace hotter than the hottest…

Forged in and out of a crucible of intense violence …

Human-to-human violence seems disproportionate to love


But …

What if we grab this impulse to violence

at its stem and, using STEM, breach its inner defenses…

What if we tease out the disparate strands of this violence…

What if we then tame it from its source, and render it less senseless



What then if this internal command to violence…

This urge, to dominate, to destroy, to crush…

What if it is an essential survival imperative …

Will the killing of violence lead to the death of life?


3. 2023: New Hopes, New Fears

A fiery ball of burning helium and hydrogen

has been burning continuously for 4.5 billion years

and will continue to burn for another 4.5 billion years,

so says our brain-mind quantum dance.

Our little ball – the Earth – 109 times smaller than the bigger ball (Sun),

has been rotating on its axis as it revolves around for the last 4.5 billion years

Within our ‘neighbourhood’ (galaxy), 200 billion stars burn

In distant, seemingly infinite space, 200 billion galaxies,

each with billions of burning stars, the human mind-brain quantum dance slows;

Slows down and pauses long enough to consider its own worries and hopes

Worries about mortality here, and hopes of immortality thereafter

Worries about heartbreaks and hopes of heart rapture

Worries about the blessings of the digital revolution.


4. Prediction

Listening to Nouriel Roubini (“Dr Doom”)

He is talking about his book Mega Threats…

It is sobering; much food for thought

Massive calamities that threaten our survival; they have happened before.

But humans will survive – even as small, isolated populations

This will largely be the result of human resilience,

enabled partly by technology, and luck.


5. Conversation with an 82-year-old German-Kenyan scientist: A recollection

We are too young – as a human species

We are the surprised face

of the morning dew on a green leaf

Not sure if the sunrise ray is friend or foe

So we drink, dance, dazzle and celebrate heat


We are too young and innocent

We are hunger in a child’s mouth

crying for food but not knowing why

Not aware of the instinct to survive

So we fight, compete and violate at will


6. Hunger cured the Doctor

Many hungers born of trauma

Troubles born in foreign climes

Children born and un-born

A keenness to bond

An urge to plunge into a sweet pond


Oh, to embrace momentary madness

To savour the intensity of the storm cloud

To ride the tiger into the forbidding jungle

where the senses witness a life-death tango

whose beat and rhythm spells double trouble


7. Married to the Jog

A creamish sweater

sways back and forth

back and forth

in rhythm with the swinging hands

Swish swoosh, swish swoosh


She is chasing time

And feuding thoughts

Been doing this for 17 years

The years have stolen her gait

But the spirit endures, defying time and age


8. The Journey

Deep or shallow,

it is your choice.

Deep, shallow, deep, shallow,

it matters to none but you.

Consider your Mind and go fishing for Time:

How deep can you go, or wish to go?

Deeper waters for Angler and Lantern?


Shallow water for triple fins and seahorses?

Our minds – in shallow or deep Time – it matters not.

Knowledge & ignorance – collective & individual – likewise

As water tides dance to the tug of the Moon & the Sun,

So are Time & Mind buoyed & buffeted by knowledge & ignorance.

Ceaselessly. Relentlessly. Ad infinitum


9. Looking at the sky with eyes closed!

A walk – on the golf’s fairway…

A chat – ever tentative and tender …

Tendons – tense on tenterhooks …

The sun’s wink – a memory away…

Ah, the emotions – on tiptoes …

And the judo roll – to distract feelings!


And yet, it persists…

And insists…

This ancient feeling

of proximate recognition…

of a truth older than the rocks

yet younger than the wind on my cheek…

Oh, heaven, what a blend of bliss and beauty!


The mind races madly…

and tries to escape from its orbit…

Tries to resist the pull of emotional gravity…

Sees the stars in the night sky wink, knowingly.

as the trees – silent in their strength – bear witness

to the struggles of two heartbeats against two mindbeats …

Who, between the heart and the mind, wins this battle?

Will they accept that defeat and victory are both life’s gifts?


10. I stopped going to church, regularly …


We may have been conscious and sentient before

Always existed as different reincarnations

of past extinctions and rebirths of sapience

the degree of which ours is but an example



Men, mostly men, at least in the current reincarnation,

emerge and claim special spiritual insights

and, by dint of a sweet tongue and unique charm

persuade millions to follow what in fact is hollow



The miracle of creation and recreation may be infinite.

And, if the probability of emergence of sentient creations

Is infinite in an infinite multiverse, it follows that heaven is infinite

Why then seek and yearn for a heaven that is already here – in our minds?


11. Mastering Asymmetry for a new Resilience

It is only ‘yesterday’

that we ‘sleep-waked’

from the ‘mære’ of a dark Night

into the grey of Day

Only yesterday

Today, we drift in and out of Daylight


Many amongst us turn and toss

but remain still flat on their backs

Whilst a few crawl, fewer barely walk

And now there is this Memory, a force

Forcing us back into the night sack

Shall we fall in line without a squawk?


Hell no! We must not, now, or ever

We must summon ancestral Mystery.

And learn an Asymmetry that is Cleverer

Amidst the noise of hate, we must learn a new Silence

We must retreat into Deep History

And from within its depth, fetch a modern Resilience


12. A Return to the River

Bits and pieces of memory

Cohere tenuously as I attempt to recall

Back then, in a past Century,

The road’s incline was a leisurely stroll

Today the knees protest yet I’ve no injury

I have to be careful I don’t trip and fall


The road is eroded, so, deeper and steeper

And the land, while familiar, is more naked

Stripped of its clothing by many a poor stripper

The land bears scars of galloping rains wasted

Oh, my land of Sosio, I recall you much greener,

I recall how cows, having grazed on your back, rested.


This is Sosio, a river whose cold water taught me endurance

The river within which I washed away my fears of drowning

The river whose smooth pebbles radiated a mysterious essence

The river whose gift of a stray sheep, I never saw coming!

The gift from Mt Elgon’s mammary glands of life and blessings

Sosio, my home river, waters of my ancestors, keep flowing.


13. A Fable

There is a time to tell tall tales

During such times, any yarn, nicely spun, sells

But not one witnessed by old trees with new scales!


This is a tale of emotion in motion in the morning.

On that day, Mind and Heart were strolling

Then they began a contest without warning


The Heart said, “look at that Pink Sensation Lily

as it drifts on the pond; its beauty makes me dizzy.

The wind’s silent whisper across the water is pretty”


The Mind, seeing approaching dismay from miles away,

smiles, and says to the Heart, “today was yesterday;

get a grib and see the invisible danger lest you stray.”


The Heart responds, “what’s there to fear,

…if the cost of heaven is a private tear?

…if the price of pain is a sincere cheer?”


The trees, majestic in silence, wait for the reply.

The Mind has none; it knows it must comply,

and let destiny write its script with no regard to why.


The forest, except for its hidden vibrations, stood still.

The defiant eucalyptus offered its trunk as an aide-to-thrill.

Oh, the feel of the twirl and weave says there’s more yet to fill.


14. I see, saw you coming …

I see that the bonds that brought you together

the fury of the fire that forced you together

the compulsion that caused you to cohere

I see in all these a departing of silence

a farewell to a friendly fireworks

I see a rising roar of riots


I see a parting of ways

A scattering of sacred secrets

A desire to dissolve and disappear

and appear as paired entities elsewhere

I see you wanting to join the ceaseless dance

of the tango, entangle and disentangle of the Cosmos


15. Growing Together

Sunday 28 January 2024. It is 12.39 pm.

I am seated at the dining table on my favourite chair

The only chair in the entire house that seems to inspire me to write.

I look out at the grounds through the window.

I have parted the curtains so I can have an uninterrupted view.

I see the Grevillea robusta I planted 22 years ago.

There are twenty times higher than me: they seem to have doubled or tripled my stand-still height every year.

They have slowed in the last 5, clearly.

They stand silent except for the gentlest sway.

For now, until a fierce wind attempts to rush by, prompting fierce, screaming revisiting resistance.

They grew up in the rain.

As I did.

Growing up in the rain.

I grew up in the wet armpit of Tulwop Kony


16. Sasa… Abe…  

Her, a Srilankese,

Forged from the crucible of Buddhist thought

Supremely self-assured of the certainty of her flaming spirit


Me, a Kenyan,

Flung out from the rich soils of an ancient continent

A lion cub surprised at why this butterfly stirs an intense intent


Her and me,

We soared high like twin eagles above our mental savannah

We the rode on its undulations, its peaks and valleys, every corner


On June 18th, 2020,

As a rampaging virus ushered in the Covid Era

She broke the bonds if coherence and freed her energy.


Traverse the universe, dear Sasanda, as a potent force – Kap

Picture of Kap Kirwok

Kap Kirwok

Kap Kirwok (Kap) creatively combines his duties as a writer and strategist to contemplate the mysteries of the human experience. He writes not to sell but to tell tales to himself.