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Life: What is it for?

Life. Human Life With its attendant consciousness: What’s is its purpose? Coherence and Memory. That is it!

Lame Loyalty

What happens when the heart’s glue is stronger than your minds truth? What happens when the heart refuses to detach


Have you ever wielded rhythm as a weapon …to whip rioting inner spirits? How about melody as a mallet …


There is a time when time inhales deeply to take in a breadth of secrets Then after a pause, it

This Travelers Palm

After years of nursed anticipation years of endured indifference years of standstill stares years of suspended joy   Now this

The Corona Chronicles

A walk, a Judo roll, a ‘cushion fall’, a stretch, a shower, a bowl of fruit to allow thoughts to

2020 and ?

Across the cavernous chasm of ignorance Perched tentatively on the cliff of laughter We gnash our teeth and try to

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