The paradox of life – as boom and burst – is not a paradox at all: think of it as
The paradox of life – as boom and burst – is not a paradox at all: think of it as
If it is true that unknown unknowns exceed the known and the known unknowns, does this not mean anything is
My readers: I am taking a break from my column in the Star Newspaper until June 2014 or thereabouts –
Starting this Saturday (2nd November 2013), my column in the Star Newspaper will appear every other Saturday. I have found
I have taken a break from my weekly column in the Star Newspaper to revise a manuscripty for a new
To my fans: It was pleasant surprise for my little book I BLAME THE SKY to be judged as the winner
2012 was, by any standards, quite a personal literay success: two books published and launched and a manuscript for a novel
Contemplating the universe.