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Shorter Thoughts


Politics – which is it: Is it the art of deception or the science of managing expectations in the exercise


Pastoralists in ASAL areas: wretched, rugged, free spirits. 52 years on still not enough boreholes and water reservoirs for them:

Products of democracy

True: Free choice and free enterprise are products of democracy. But beware of a drifting, unmoored, and loveless attitude to

Tyranny of insomnia

Buckle up. It is going to be one hell of a rough ride. Tyranny of insomnia for the captains of

Shameful splurge

In the city, amid the shameful splurge of our taxes by mindless spenders, it is easy to forget the millions


I took a break for a couple of weeks only to return and find that the Bulls**t Mountain – also

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