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Shorter Thoughts

Doubt and uncertainty

Doubt and uncertainty/Twin burdens of humanity/Today, tomorrow and eternity. A dance of finity and infinity.      


Trumpism is a necessary tonic in service of human resilience!

Brain is wired to be lazy

To business analysts: The human brain is wired to be lazy (to conserve energy). Likes heuristics/shortcuts. Yet reality is not

The Human Brain

The Human Brain: Is it the creator or receiver of consciousness? Or, is it both? If receiver, where is free


Life’s a paradox: reproduction is superior to production; recurrence is better than occurrence; imperfect mother of perfect; and failure father


UK out of the EU: Earthquake? Perhaps. But no surprise. The path of history is unpredictably; its triggers not obvious,

The Mind – revisted

If the mind is subject to quantum/uncertainty effects & is there4 non-deterministic, what does this say about the mechanism of


Fact:DNA is one of life’s blue-prints. Fact: Some DNA mutations lead to gifted humans. Question Can mutations produce dangerous super


UK out of the EU: Earthquake? Perhaps. But no surprise. The path of history is unpredictably; its triggers not obvious.

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