Bury my body in earth’s embrace
Bury me not on my back
but facedown, locked in a timeless hug
with my hands stretched out
so I can embrace the earth
and have a fertile feel
of the tremble and the miles
as the earth spins away eternity’s days
I forbid you to sing songs for me
or gnash teeth above sad shiny cheeks
and no long or short faces please
Cease all these – I say again, cease
for the dazed beats and rhythms…
the limping echoes of pain and joy…
the singing silences of the dark light…
the irrelevant relevance of the terrible truth…
All these now belong to new rhythms
Animated by the singing things
and the dancing dreams
and the laughing hills
the indifferent strings
of gravity’s flings
of restless winds
of quiet noises
and endless beginnings.
©Kap 2017