Month: May 2014

How do you encourage a reading culture?

I am struggling to answer this tough question here


On the current state of the nation: disequilibrium is good – up to a point – because within it is contained the seeds of greater equilibrium. But what is not ordained is this: greater disorder does nit guarantee greater order!

distance to doom

Among humans, it is amazing how short the distance is from civility to incivility; and from sanity to madness. Very quickly, discussions degenerate into quarrels and name-calling.

Memories – what use…?

Tacked somewhere within the soft folds of my brain are sweet memories – of yesterday. But what is the use of memory hoarded? If it cannot be shared with friends and loved ones, of what use are memories?


Wole Soyinka – truly the king of expansive metaphors and verbal inventiveness: the learner of English as a second language who taught the native speaker of English his own language.
