Month: November 2018

31. Sir, I spy your thoughts

So full of yourself: You Sir, is a boiled egg trying too hard to learn the art of arrant arrogance: the steely, steady, baleful eye, aided by a slight lift of the left lip. But, behold your sagging jawline, Sir:


Today I paused… to acknowledge the smile of the chestnut flower to listen to the humming bird’s singing wings to behold the butterfly’s brave battle with the moody breeze to acknowledge the swallow’s swift salute as it zipped by to

Fly away, my children, fly

Striving, grasping, gasping for frowning air, dangled by fate’s flighty feathers; enticing wings of doomed, fortunate force: Fly, fly, I say, fly away, free from all tethers.   Fly away, my children, fly into uncertainty’s armpit from where, without restraint,
