Month: November 2017

Robert Mugabe

The Zimbabwe ‘thing’ about R Mugabe confirms once again a truism about the perception & reality of power & powerlessness: the tenuous glue holding both is DELUSION and ILLUSION aided by the tendency of humans to be IRRATIONAL. In short,

Love & such…2

But if love and forgiveness is a product of wisdom and grace, where does Charles Dawin figure in this?

The Human Heart

The greatest & most difficult duty of the human HEART is learning to love & to forgive. Nothing, NOTHING, heals & nourishes like these two.

15. Creepy creeping creeper

First, it was his sight Not so much the failing light Just a weakening of the eyelid One morning he was unable to blink fast He begged his eyes not to spoil his breakfast The last time he drank was

14. Sosio’s dawn

Deafening drumbeats frenzied heartbeats a volley of arrows rapturous roars magic and miracle embrace and toast an oracle.   This event is uncanny and starts a new journey in which his essence and hers will try to make sense as

13. A True Friend Is…

A neuron, an encounter, a recognition then an animation and, perchance, a dance   – before a mirror – to music unseen and unheard except by the heart —– Kap  © 2017
